If I Could
The If I Could podcast explores the journey of people who chose to follow what they are passionate about. You will learn about how each of these people got over that first step and onto a pathway of pursuing their dream. Each episode, you will meet a new guest. Be it Acting, Comedy, Magic, Writing, etc., you will learn that their first step was not so different from any of ours. I hope you will join me to learn about each of these people, their fascinating stories, and gain inspiration to carve out your own path.
If I Could
DJFlipside and The Art of Spinning
In today’s episode, we will meet DJ Flipside. Flipside has had quite a remarkable career. From his days spinning in college bars to being featured on Chicago's own B96 (Flipside at 5), and being a producer for Jump Smokers. You will hear his journey and how he has made a name for himself worldwide.
You can find Flipside on 104.3 Jams radio, on Twitch at DJFLIPSIDE33, and DJing at Chicago Bulls and White Sox games.
For all the latest news, you can go to his website www.djflipside.com, and even shop the flipside brand
So, how did Flipside go from DJing school parties and college bars to DJing across the world…let’s find out
Contact us: @ificouldpodcast